Nuestro bufete de abogados en los medios:

What’s Left When the Last Penny’s Gone 
Huge Debts Feed a Bankruptcy Surge

Enlaces de derecho general:

New York Bar Association
New York Law Journal
United Stated Bankruptcy Code
Laws of New York- New York State Consolidated Laws
To locate your representative in the House and Senate 

Enlaces de bancarrota:

New York Bankruptcy Lawyer 
United States Bankruptcy Court - Northern District of New York 
United States Bankruptcy Court - Southern District of New York 
United States Bankruptcy Court - Eastern District of New York 
United States Bankruptcy Court - Western District of New York
United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey
Government Website Regarding Mortgage Modifications 

Enlaces de derecho de familia:

New York City Family Court 
New York Divorce Law - Wikipedia 
Annulment - Wikipedia 
Divorce in New York - 
Divorce Laws for 50 States - Cornell Law School
Getting Married in New York State - Department of Health 
New York State Consolidated Laws (Domestic Relations) - FindLaw 
Frequently Asked Matrimonial Questions 
Same Sex Divorce in New York (ABC News) 

Enlaces de inmigración:

New York Immigration Lawyer
U.S. Visas
U.S. Government Travel Alerts and Travel Warnings
U.S. Government Travel International Travel Information

 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Passports and International Travel
News from USCIS

Enlaces de bienes raíces:

Government Website Regarding Mortgage Modifications