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Supreme Court Broadens What is Considered as Bankruptcy Fraud
On Monday, May 16th, 2016, I had the honor of being present in the United States Supreme Court to be sworn in as a member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar. While I was there, I had the unique opportunity of observing the courts deliver its decisions, including that of the case Husky International...
Update: Bankruptcy in NY with Rent-Control and Rent-Stabilized Apartments
As discussed in previous blogs, due to a loophole in the law, those who file bankruptcy in New York and who live in rent-controlled or rent-stabilized apartments risk losing their homes. Although there has been no resolution of this unfortunate situation, there have been some developments in two...
Top 5 People Who Have Filed Bankruptcy
We all love a story about a person overcoming hardship and setbacks to achieve success and to find happiness. There are many such stories. Here are my 5 favorites. #1 Abraham Lincoln – We typically think of Lincoln toward the end of his life during his difficult years as president of the United...
Rent Controlled and Rent Stabalized Tenants Filing Bankruptcy Still at Risk to Lose Homes
When then Governor David Patterson signed into law a bill in 2011 increasing the amount of assets that a person is allowed to keep when filing bankruptcy in New York, I expressed concern that individuals living in rent-stabilized and rent-controlled apartments were in danger of having their leases...